In the unforeseen event that you do not pass the official certification exam, you can re-attend the complete course for FREE when it runs again (courses run subject to minimum registrations).
You are entitled to mock tests up to 3 months from course completion. Mock tests are available as given on the relevant webpage and are subject to availability
Pass Guarantee: Terms and Conditions
* Available on certain courses only if mentioned on the course page
* Applicable to full fee-paying students only
* In order to avail the free retake of the course, the participant must attempt the certification exam within three months of course completion and email us the exam result within 24 hours of failing the exam.
* Exam re-take is not included.
Pass guarantee where available is applicable to full-time courses booked after August 08, 2016. Pass guarantee terms have been updated from September 07, 2016. Pass guarantee is not offered on courses in programs and packages.