There are a lot of job opportunities in Sydney, and even many surveys show that IT falls into one of the categories of the highest paid jobs. There are different names and titles given for the IT jobs in different companies, and the job description also varies as per the needs of the organisation. But here we look into some few standard roles that most of the companies have, though it might differ on how many people perform the job based on the size of the organisation and the complexity of the project.
We offer many relevant job programs which can assist you in getting your dream IT job.
Network Support Engineer: Every IT organisation would have a server and related components to deploy the designed packages. It is an important role where the maintenance and monitoring need to be done of the components. One should be able to understand the configuration and help in the release and deployment process and also assist in case of failures, as failure leads to significant catastrophe for the business functioning.
Customer Support: This role deals with handling requests from the users and helps them in solving their requests. It could be a simple enquiry or a major fault where the first level of analysis needs to be done. The major function of this role is to restore the functionality as soon as possible or provide a workaround so that the business continues as usual.
Business Analyst: This would be a person who interacts with business and gathers the requirements and documents the same. This is used as a reference for the development and testing team. This role can also assist in user acceptance testing and even in procuring a sign off from business post-deployment.
Developer: The design and development of the necessary product are done by this role and should possess strong technical knowledge of coding and be able to perform unit testing.
Software Testers: This team solely deals with testing of the designed software to check if the needs have been met accurately and that the new changes do not impact the existing functionality.
Team Leader: It is the responsibility of a team leader to ensure that the work allocated has been completed on time and need to resolve any issues or obstacles in proceeding further. This role would also be responsible for code review and assigning work to the team members
Project Manager: He is responsible for the team management and performs impact and risk analysis, cost-benefit analysis and also prepare reports for the organisation concerning team performance. He decides on team recruitment and also a key person to maintain client relationship.
Server Administrator: The person in this role is expected to have a very sound technical knowledge on the infrastructure and architecture of the software that is being used in the system. He can guide us on what to improve when there are changes frequently occurring to the system and also to improve the performance of the response time.
Database Administrator: With increasing data in IT sector it is a necessity to have a data administrator, who manages the database and with every new change, decides on the type of change required for the data available. Required to do the necessary backup, batch jobs and creation of new configuration items as per the changes.
These are the standard roes in an IT field. There would be a lot more roles depending on the need for a particular organisation. There could also be a lot of supporting roles required for the IT sector to function appropriately, but we do not consider them as an IT job profile. There could also be a few consultant roles needed for the IT sector when a huge change or a high-risk project is being considered. It could be either internal or external, who can provide expertise on that particular field.
If you are struggling to get an IT job in Sydney, Logitrain has the answer. We offer Job Programs which can help you get a job in Networking, Business Analysis, Software Testing, Project Management, Server Administrator, Cloud Computing and Web Development.