The broad benefits of obtaining the Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert certification in the job market are what make it so important for any IT professional, who intends to build a thriving career in the industry. The new MCSE has been reinvented so that it includes Cloud based skills preparing professionals to provide solutions relating to the use of the Cloud, to organisations they work for.
The easiest way to reassure your prospective employer that you have both on-premise and cloud-based skills and solutions is to go for the Microsoft certification. The skills you are going to acquire with this new MCSE certification are broader, deeper and related to current technologies making you relevant to most organisations using Microsoft systems.
IT professionals who are more intrigued about working with Microsoft products, systems and servers ought to consider taking MCSE courses. The course will focus on many things including systems management, teaching the virtualization technology and networking concepts and fundamentals.
Tracks for MCSE Certification
When you want to become a Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert, you have to understand that there are different tracks for specialization. It is mandatory that candidates choose an area of specialization that they feel most passionate in. These will include:
- Server Infrastructure – An MCSE Server Infrastructure expert is expected to be able to run efficiently a contemporary data center. Roles for such an expert will comprise of networking, systems management and virtualization to mention a few.
- Desktop Infrastructure – Managing desktops and relevant desktop devices in addition to providing remote desktop services and desktop virtualization will be the main requirements for professionals who choose this MCSE path of specialization.
- Private Cloud – Implementation of the MS Private Cloud computing technologies plus offering Microsoft Private Cloud Solutions is the job description of holders of this certification.
- Enterprise Devices and Apps – Management of BYOD devices and apps and providing desktop technical support is often what this path of MCSE certification focuses on.
- Data Platform – knowledge in this MCSE course will be designed to build your skills in enterprise scale-data administration in order for professionals to provide on-cloud and premise solutions.
- Business Intelligence – quick and efficient delivery of relevant date to people in the organisation is the main task that people with this certification are prepared to do.
- Messaging – Cloud operations and essentially improving the security of data in an organisation and mitigating data loss is what is taught in this path of MCSE specialization.
- Communication – improving the efficiency of communication between the organisation and the outside world is given top emphasis in this specialization path for MCSE.
- SharePoint – organizing, syncing, collaborating and sharing information across departments and decision makers in the organisation is what professionals learn in this track of MCSE certification.
Salary and Job Opportunities
A certification in MCSE will sure bear positive effects in the financial area. Microsoft Certified Solutions Experts are paid about $45,000-$110,000 a year depending on experience, location and the individual employer.
With MCSE Certification training you can fill any of the job positions below:
- Network Engineer
- Network Administrator
- Network Consultant
- Systems Engineer
- Information Technology Specialist
- Network Operations Analyst