CCNA certification is considered as one of the most respected certifications for IT network engineer. It gives insight into the networking technologies. There is a lot of information available online and you might get lost in the ocean of information that is available. There are few things that I have quoted below (with some online research) which might help you in passing the CCNA exam with ease:
CCNA is a vast topic and there are a lot of things to study. But with respect to clearing the exam, you need to give more preference to ICDN and study the topic in detail.
Theoretical and practical knowledge is necessary for CCNA exam. Candidate must be aware of how to implement the theoretical knowledge in the real world.
One needs to understand the importance of earning the certification, which will give you motivation to study for the same.
Cisco has a number of study materials which discusses the topics in detail. Choosing the right material for studying is very important. You can do some research on this online and find that the publications from CISCO are good for understanding the technicalities. There is also a forum group which can guide you in choosing the right materials. If you are still unsure, you can approach a good training institute who will guide you with the training materials required for the examination.
Scheduling practice tests beforehand and setting a time and assessing yourself give an idea on how you fare. It gives you a chance to improve before the final exam. Haven’t you heard “Practice makes a man perfect”? Well, it is absolutely true. The more your practice, the easier it would be to achieve your goals.
Teaching is the best way to understand a concept. If you can teach few concepts to someone, you can understand them better.
Most important of all is planning. When you decide a date for the exam you can plan to study accordingly.
Getting professional help is also another way to crack the exam. When you think you cannot do a self study, do take the help of a training institute and get trained from experienced professionals. This will help you in understanding the concepts better.
Basics are always important. Any structure will hold strong only if its base is strong. Similarly, for every course it is true. You cannot crack the exam without understanding the basics. Also, you cannot implement them effectively in your work environment if your basics are not strong.
People already working in the networking field can give you better real life examples and make you understand better. You can connect with people online and go through different blogs written on the concepts that are not clear to you. It has helped me a lot personally. You just need to take care that you do not get lost with the amount of information available on net. Just try to understand the bits that you were not clear about.
Make notes. As with any other subject, making few notes will definitely help you in memorizing the different terminologies that you were not aware of before. These can also be used as a reference just before giving an exam.
Once you have decided to take the exam, there is no looking back. Think about the benefits this certification would give you, to keep you going. Do give yourself sufficient time to prepare and not rush into things. Mental preparation is equally necessary and there are a lot of practice tests available online, which will help you in checking your progress and keep you on track. It will give you the required confidence to crack that exam.
Logitrain delivers the best CCNA Training Courses, for more information please visit or call 1800 159 151.